


👋 Hello xlog.app! 🌟

之前用 web3 是在 mirror.xyz 那边写写。这两天从 telegram 其他频道了解到了 xlog.app,对比综合使用体验好很多。

blog 也不会写很多,断断续续。大部分的内容也还是记录到了笔记里而不会丢 blog。遇到体验好的平台也还是多写写吧,能和更多人分享也是不错的。


  • 日常随笔
  • 阅读笔记
  • 工程记录

Discover the Power of Modern Logging with Ease 💪

Previously, I wrote on mirror.xyz using the Web3 technology. I recently discovered xlog.app through a Telegram channel and discovered that it provides quite a better user experience.

I don't write many blog posts, and the ones I do write end up being inconsistent. The majority of my contents are kept in my notes rather than on my blog. However, when I come across a platform that provides a fantastic user experience, I strive to write more and share my opinions with others.

I hope to keep writing and making progress together.

Some potential future post topics include:

  • My occasional musings
  • Notes on books I've read
  • Updates on my engineering projects
  • Miscellaneous topics on various subjects
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.